April 18, 2014

Women Are Prepping to Run, Win and Take Office

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (WOMENSENEWS)–On the sidelines of all the primary campaigns going on right now we also have a less-visible but important nationwide effort focused on gender equality in political office. It is aimed at women who have not considered running for political office as well as those who have been thinking about it and need encouragement to declare. Recruitment is the key to achieving this goal. “If women run, women win,” says Debbie Walsh, […]
March 17, 2014

‘Close the Gap’ Tours California to Stop the Slide

(WOMENSENEWS)– California boasts two female senators. We are the only state to advance women’s reproductive rights in the last few years. The state is rapidly moving forward on the Affordable Health Care Act and there has been paid family leave in California since 2002, though it is underused. But don’t be misled. Even here we have a political gender gap that is actually widening, not closing. The California state legislature has 120 members with 32 […]