December 9, 2015

Guess Who’s Driving California’s Gender Agenda

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (WOMENSENEWS)–Does it make sense for women to vote for women? Usually, yes, if female voters are interested in such gains as legal support for equal pay and a better chance at work-life balance. The Center for American Women and Politics has documented the work of women in public office since 1971 and their research has shown female legislators carry bills that make a difference in the lives of women and families. Here […]
October 8, 2015

Jackson: “Real Teeth” in Landmark Pay Equity Bill

Calling it “a very important milestone,” Governor Brown this week signed SB 358, trekking to Rosie the Riveter National Historic Park in Richmond for an celebrating the tough new pay equity bill aimed at closing the historic wage gap between women and men. We asked Susan Rose, our Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women in Politics Correspondent, to interview the measure’s author, Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, who represents the central coast, including Santa Barbara, the center […]
September 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Track Record

The jousting has only just begun among the 15 Republican presidential candidates about emails, Benghazi, abortion, immigration reform, and the Democrats’ leading candidate, Hillary Clinton. The former senator and First Lady declared her candidacy on April 12 and has since raised more than $60 million. Although she has Democrat opponents, Hillary leads the field in fundraising and organizing field operations. I have been a supporter of Hillary Clinton from the beginning of her first run for […]
June 1, 2015

Women on Campus: The Hunted

On May 13, Attorney General Kamala Harris and U.C. President Janet Napolitano took aggressive action to improve response to rape on campuses. They issued a directive to all state colleges to “notify authorities when a sexual assault is reported” and a set of guidelines to encourage collaboration between campuses and law enforcement. California schools must adopt policies implementing the directive by July 1. This action followed the release last year of a White House Council on […]
March 12, 2015

National Paid Family Leave: 2016 Needs a Champion

LOS ANGELES (WOMENSENEWS)–In 2016, the United States deserves a presidential candidate who will make paid family leave a priority on the campaign platform.That candidate can take over from President Barack Obama who advocated for paid family leave in this year’s State of the Union speech. “Today, we’re the only advanced country on earth that doesn’t guarantee paid sick leave or paid maternity leave to our workers,” Obama said. “Forty-three million workers have no paid sick […]
January 22, 2015

Thanks to You Both: Senator Boxer and Anita Hill

(WOMENSENEWS)– When I heard that U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer would not be seeking reelection in 2016 after 24 years in the Senate and 10 in the House of Representatives, it took me down memory lane to the early 1990s. That was a very different time in the world of women and politics and a simpler type of political campaigning. That was also the time of the 1992 Senate Judiciary hearings where Anita Hill held the […]