It’s Time for Gender Equality

Though progress has been made in some areas, today we’re still debating women’s rights and gender equality, trying to convince disparate communities and governments of all levels that women play a critical and necessary part of the world, and should be considered as such.

I have included the link to an article published in Women’s eNews titled, “World Leaders Should Champion Gender Equality” by Nisha Varia, a women’s rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. Below is an excerpt.

“What should governments do? They need to recognize that women’s rights are not secondary but integral to addressing the Covid-19 pandemic, looming economic recession, armed conflict, elections, and climate change. Addressing the gender impact of these issues, promoting women’s leadership, and backing up commitments with real economic resources and political will at all levels are essential.”

Susan Rose
Susan Rose
Susan Rose served for eight years on the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors and is the former executive director of the Los Angeles City Commission on the Status of Women. She is a co-founder of the Women and Leadership Program at Antioch University Santa Barbara. She writes from California about women’s rights, work and family issues and governance.