
Research and Publications:

  • Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University. Contacts:  Suggest you reach out to Debbie Walsh, Director and Kelly Dittmar, professor and scholar there.  CAWP has been doing this work for 40 years.
  • Women and Politics Institute at American University. Contact: Jennifer Lawless, Director.  Prior to being at AU she was at Brown.  She has conducted terrific research.  My go to book for this work is “It Takes a Candidate.”  There is a second edition out.  It’s a must read.
  • The Barbara Lee Family Foundation conducts nonpartisan research to advance women’s equality and representation.  The foundation recently published Keys to Elected Office: The Essential Guide for Women (2016) containing advice for women running for elected office.

 National Political Organizations that Recruit, Train and Endorse Women Who Run for Office:

  • Emerge America, recruits, trains and provides support for Democratic women to run for office. Emerge currently has programs in 20 states. Contact: Andrea Dew Steele, President.
  • Emily’s List, recruits pro-choice Democratic candidates, supports campaigns that can win, studies the electorate and works to turn out the vote.  They actively raise money for the candidates they endorse.
  • National Women’s Political Caucus, a multi-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process. NWPC recruits, trains and supports pro-choice women candidates for elected and appointed offices at all levels of government.
  • Planned Parenthood Action Fund PAC, is non-partisan, endorses candidates who support their agenda including family planning and reproductive health.

National Political Organizations that Educate and Advocate on Issues Important to Women, and Endorse Women Candidates:

  • Feminist Majority Foundation is a multi faceted organization that engages in research and public policy development, educational programs, grassroots organizing, leadership training and development programs. Their focus is on women’s equality and empowerment.  Contact: Kathy Spillar, Executive Director.
  • National Organization for Women is devoted to taking action to promote feminist ideals and protect the rights of all women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life.  They have multiple chapters and thousands of members across the country.

California Political Organizations that Recruit and Train Women to Run for Office and/or Apply for Appointments to Leadership Positions:

  • California Women Lead a nonpartisan organization that recruits and trains women to run for office. It does not endorse candidates or partisan issues.  CWL encourages women to apply for appointments to boards and commissions as a way of entering the public arena. Contact: Rachel Michelin, Executive Director.
  • close the gap CA is a statewide recruiting campaign to find progressive women to run for seats in the California legislature. Contact: Holly Teliska, Executive Director.
  • Emerge CA identifies and trains Democratic women to run for office.  Training programs are held annually in both southern and northern California.  Contact: Maimuna Sayed, Executive Director.
  • Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) is a nonpartisan organization committed to ensuring political and economic equality for Latinas through leadership, advocacy, and education.
  • The LA Women’s Political Committee endorses and donates to progressive women candidates seeking office at all levels of government.
  • Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee is a non-partisan political action committee that endorses candidates who support its positions and promote a feminist agenda. Contact: Catherine Swysen, President.
  • Women’s Policy Institute (WPI) part of the Women’s Foundation of California, trains women to initiate and pass legislation that affect low-income women and enables them to achieve economic security. Contact: Marj Plumb, Chief Strategist.

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